Web App Development Using Python and Flask Part 01

Hello Friends.

As I have mentioned in my last post, we are going to learn how to create a simple Web App using Python and Flask.

If you have not visited my posts on Python and Flask, please find the links below -

1. Python and Flask Part 01

2. Python and Flask Part 02

Even in this tutorial, we'll use the Flask framework, as we did so far, to create our simple web application.

Let's get started.

We can find below components in a typical web application -

1. Static images and HTML pages

2. CSS

3. Dynamic Contents

4. Form submit/actions

5. DB Integration

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to setup a web application and how to handle the form submit.

First, we'll create a directory structure for our web application. Please setup the directory structure as shown below -

Directory Structure

Here, Pixie Dust is my root directory. Under it, we have directories static and webpage. In static we have directories css and images. My app.py file is in the root directory, Pixie Dust.

Let's examine the content of each directory.

1. CSS : This directory will have css stylesheet files. In my case, I have created a file all.css in this directory.

.header {
border: 2px solid black;
background-color: lightblue;
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;


ul.b {
padding: 20px;
width: 200px;
list-style-type: none;
color: green;

a {
text-decoration: none;

a:link {
color: green;

a:visited {
color: green;

a:hover {
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;

Above is the content of that file. It's a very simple css file having some simple styles.
2. IMAGES : In this directory, I have put all my images which I have used in this project. You can have your image files in this directory.
3. WEBPAGES : This will have all the html files which are required in this project. For this tutorial we'll need 2 of these html files, index.html and landing.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./../static/css/all.css">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Pixie Dust</title>
<body style="background-color:#D3D3D3;">

<div class = "header">

<center><b><i><u><font color = "Red" size="18"> Pixie Dust </font></u></i></b></center>
<center><font color = "Blue" size="5"> Your One Stop Solution For All Ladies Wear and Accessories !!! </font></center>


<center><table border="1px" width="1225">
<td><center><img src="./static/images/index1.jpg" alt="Index1 Image" height="200", width="450"></center></td>
<td><center><img src="./static/images/index4.jpg" alt="Index2 Image" height="200", width="450"></center></td>
<td bgcolor="lightblue">

<form action = "/landing" method = "POST">
<td><input type = "text" name = "username"></td>

<td><input type = "password" name = "password"></td>

<td><input type = "Submit" value = "Submit">
<input type = "Button" value = "Cancel" align="left"></td>

<td><font color = "Red">{{error_msg}}</font></td>


<td><center><img src="./static/images/index3.jpg" alt="Index3 Image" height="200", width="450"></center></td>
<td><center><img src="./static/images/index5.jpg" alt="Index2 Image" height="200", width="450"></center></td>
<td>Shop No. - 4, Ground Floor <br>Classic Plaza, Vadgaon-Shinde Road <br> Lohegaon Pune, Maharashtra <br> India. 411015</td>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./../static/css/all.css">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Pixie Dust</title>
<body style="background-color:#D3D3D3;">
<div class = "header">

<center><b><i><u><font color = "Red" size="18"> Pixie Dust </font></u></i></b></center>
<center><font color = "Blue" size="5"> Your One Stop Solution For All Ladies Wear and Accessories !!! </font></center>

<table border="1px" width="1225" align="center">
<td bgcolor="#AAEBEE">

<ul class = "b">
<li><a href="/products"> Products </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Orders </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Billing </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Sales </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Trip </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Expense </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Inventory </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> Report </a></li>
<li><a href="/products"> E-Mail </a></li>
<li><a href="/"> Logout </a></li>
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#DEF9CD">
<font color="#D417F5" size="5" face="Monaco"><center>Welcome to Pixie Dust Management Portal.</center>
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Today's date is {{ current_date }}.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Have a Good Day !!!</font>

Both of the above files are very much self explanatory. We have a index.html file which will be the default
page whenever someone wants to access our web application. In this page we have used a form to take the
username and password as the login credential. Once the user is authenticated, that person will be redirected
to landing.html page.

You can see that on the submit action of this form, I have redirected the request to /landing route.

Now, we have to setup our app.py file. Please put below content in your app.py file -
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from datetime import date
import os

PICS_DIR = os.path.join('static', 'images')

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='webpage')
app.config["DEBUG"] = True

@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
@app.route("/index", methods=["GET"])
def index():
return render_template("index.html")

@app.route("/landing", methods=["POST", "GET"])
def landing():
if request and request.form:
username = request.form['username']
password = request.form['password']

if username == 'testuser' and password == 'testpass':
today = date.today().strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
return render_template("landing.html", current_date = today)

msg = 'Invalid username or password'
return render_template("index.html", error_msg = msg)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the app.py by executing the below command in your console

$ python app.py

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

 * Restarting with stat

 * Debugger is active!

You can access the web application by clicking on the link

In the above file we have defined 3 routes -
1. /
2. /index
3. /landing

/ and /index are defined on the same method index(). So, whenever someone will hit
or, that person will be directed to the index page.

In the index() method we have used a method render_template(). This method will take the resource name
as input and render it to user. In our case, we want it to render html page index.html.


/landing route is defined on the method landing() and it takes either POST or GET request (depends on the
use-case). Here we are validating whether we are having request object and do we have form dictionary in
request. This form data will be passed from the client. After that we are extracting username and password
from the form and validating it against a hard coded value. In real life scenario we'll validate it against a
DB or LDAP or any other data store. In the next tutorial, we'll learn how to do DB integration in Python.

Once the validation is successful we shall redirect the user to landing page.


In case of validation failure, error message will be shown and user will be redirected to index page again.

login failed

That's it !!!

Please leave a comment if you face any problem while running this tutorial.

I'll try to reply that as soon as possible.

Hope you have liked this tutorial.

In the next tutorial we'll learn how to do DB integration in Python.


  1. Thanks Diwakar for this tutorial.

  2. Very nice tutorial....Easy to understand and pretty well informative to handson


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